Hygiene mist no fragrance 200ml

The HYGENIQ PERSONAL HYGIENE MIST is an alcohol-free, natural skin care and protection mist that protects your skin from the negative effects of the urban environment. Spray on exposed skin for optimal daily care and protection.


  • Entirely plant based

  • Long-lasting, powerful protection

  • Luxury hand hygiene

  • Skin caring and hydrating

  • Contains antioxidants

How to use the HYGENIQ Hygiene mist

Care & Protect

Perfect for in the gym

Sporting activities help you strengthen your immune system. So we like to use products that further support your wellness. The HYGENIQ PERSONAL hand lotions can be found at our entrance and throughout the gym there are a number of HYGENIQ cleaning products to clean the fitness equipment before and after use. At the end of the day we use the HYGENIQ CLEAN AIR fogger to clean the entire gym. Optimal hygiene for our visitors and staff is our priority. The HYGENIQ products fit perfectly to our own sustainable and environmental friendly mission.

Frequently asked questions

You will find the frequently asked questions here

Why should I choose HYGENIQ PERSONAL?
The most important reasons for using HYGENIQ PERSONAL, are the following: - Effective cleaning - Durable protection - Powerful antioxidants - Skincare - child friendly - Entirely plant based - Fully renewable - Fully biodegradable
For what applications can I use HYGENIQ PERSONAL products?
HYGENIQ PERSONAL's range is designed to create a safe and hygienic environment. The products have numerious advantageous properties. Whereby optimal hygiene with an extra skincaring effect is a priority. The composition of antioxidants such as vitamin C enhances an extra skin caring effect and is also effective amongst others, for the following: Smoothing effect and Strengthening effect
What are the active substances in HYGENIQ PERSONAL products?
The HYGENIQ Personal products are based upon a 100% plant-based technology, using the powerful and effective antibodies naturally present in plants and their fruits. Through an innovative process, these active components are extracted from, peels, seeds and other parts of plants, in this case mainly Citrus plants. These active properties are the core of the plant extracts that are the basis of the HYGENIQ Personal range.
Can I order HYGENIQ PERSONAL in bulk?
HYGENIQ PERSONAL products can be ordered in large quantities. Please contact us for details.

What our clients say